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  Public Ticket #1006902
Demo content not showing up after installation


  •  2
    Robert started the conversation

    Hi there,  

    I have just purchased and downloaded TheGem and installed the latest version of Wordpress. 

    As I have had some menus created previously, I have used WP-Reset to reset my WP installation. 

    I then followed the installation documentation to the latter doing a full import of the demo files. This seemed to happen successfully as no errors occurred. 

    I have also checked the wp-content/uploads folder and there are lots of temp files in there with a timestamp of the import that I had just done.

    After the import was finished, I followed the steps in the documentation by first trying to setup the menus by going into "Appearance -> Menus"

    1.) There are no menus available and the tab "Manage Locations" only showed up after I created some menus manually.

    I then went on to install the "Widget Importer & Exporter" plugin in an attempt to setup footer and sidebar.

    2.) In the next step: "Selecting Homepage" I want to select a static Front Page and all I get is a Sample page to select from. Isn't that where I should be able to select the homepage from a specific theme (e.g. Business)?

    I am assuming that something went wrong with the import of the demo content, but I don't know. 

    What can I do to troubleshoot this?

    I am new to wordpress and this theme, but I am able to follow technical instructions. 

    Thank you.

    Best regards,


  •  2
    Robert replied

    Hi There, 

    Ok, one thing I did not do before was to change the PHP setting as described in the documentation and in the article "Recommended PHP Settings"

    An import of all demo took over 4 hours and I did not attempt that one again, instead, I tried just importing the demos that I wanted (Business) and it did it in about 1.5 hours.

    After cranking up the values even higher than in the article, it worked. Finally...

    The change of the .htaccess file did not work (destroyed the site completely) and the php.ini also did not exist, but I called the godaddy support and they told me about the .user.ini file that would need to be placed in the root folder my webserver and it worked.

    Here is an article that describes the procedure:


    If anyone else has the same problem, I recommend following the article's instructions.

    Looking forward to playing with the Theme now...

  •  7,133
    Oliver replied

    HI Robert!

    Did you still need any help?

    Please note if you comment on your ticket before we reply, your ticket will be pushed down of the tickets list. 

    Regards, Oliver

  •  2
    Robert replied

    Hi Gregor, 

    All good. Thank you.
