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  Public Ticket #1020744
Google Maps - scrolling broken in Internet Explorer


  •  2
    wlm2015 started the conversation

    On my site, and in your demo, the Google Maps has a bug that only occurs in IE and Edge browsers. (I'm using IE 11). 

    When the user scrolls down using the scroll wheel, and the cursor arrives at the section of the page containing a map, the page ceases to scroll, and begins to zoom in or zoom out of the map.  

    When the map is full screen width, there's no way for the user to keep scrolling without significant disruption to the User eXperience. 


    How do we fix this in IE?

  • [deleted] replied


    Try to add next code to custom css in theme options:

    .wpb_gmaps_widget .wpb_map_wraper iframe {
        position: relative;
  •  2
    wlm2015 replied

    This does not resolve the issue.

    Also the grayscale map is not working in IE.

  • [deleted] replied

    Please give link to your site. I will try to inspect problem.