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  Public Ticket #1021193
Testimonial Slider


  •  2
    jasonrae started the conversation

    We added the testimonial slider on our home page but its make the whole thing as big as the biggest testimonial and staying big.  

    We put a lot of them in there so there might be a limit but wanting to figure out the best way to fix this.  Thanks

  •   jasonrae replied privately
  •  7,130
    Oliver replied


    1. Sorry, no. But you can set the heigth with the block:


    .gem-testimonial-text p {
        margin: 0;
        max-height: 40px;
        overflow: hidden;
    .gem-testimonials.style2 .gem-testimonial-wrapper p:after {
        position: absolute;

    2. Sorry, not quite sure what do you mean, can you pls. provide more details?

    Please note if you comment on your ticket before we reply, your ticket will be pushed down of the tickets list. 

    Regards, Oliver

  •  2
    jasonrae replied

    When we add testimonials to the slider some are short and some are really long, so its tall on the short ones and stays that way. Its not adjusting the height of the slider for the exact size of the testimonial.  

    So its just big and has the gap under the the shorter testimonials.  I will put this in the custom css and see if that works and post the reply thanks.