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  Public Ticket #1021697
Problems to import widget


  •  2
    Jose started the conversation

    Hi, I am trying to install the theme but once I want to import the widget demo_widget.wie it seems that it´s someway not found. I am attaching the screens FYI.

    Please let me know what to do or send another file that is not currpted.

    Thank you,


  •  2
    Jose replied

    Good morning? Any news about how to fix the problem? If not possible I would like to cancel the purchase. Regards.

  •  7,133
    Oliver replied


    Sorry for delay, because of weekend.

    It's bug of this plugin, author must fix it soon or a workaround would be to temporarily add this to wp-config.php:

    define('ALLOW_UNFILTERED_UPLOADS', true);

    And temporarily remove or comment out this block in wp-content/plugins/widget-importer-exporter/includes/import.php:

        // Check file type
        // This will also fire if no file uploaded
        $wp_filetype = wp_check_filetype_and_ext( $uploaded_file['tmp_name'], $uploaded_file['name'], false );
        if ( 'wie' != $wp_filetype['ext'] && ! wp_match_mime_types( 'wie', $wp_filetype['type'] ) ) {
              __( 'You must upload a .wie file generated by this plugin.', 'widget-importer-exporter' ),
                'b' => array()
            array( 'back_link' => true )


    Please note if you comment on your ticket before we reply, your ticket will be pushed down of the tickets list. 

    Regards, Oliver