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  Public Ticket #1046716
Footer Widgets


  •  2
    jasonrae started the conversation

    I am trying to put four sections with content in my footer using widgets.   We cannot get the order we need for our site due to you have only one widget area and they just kinda fall in order.

    1. Why wouldn't you add several widget areas for this in the footer with the theme? This is the first theme I have seen that does not do this :(  Pretty simple user UI.

    2. Since y'all did not do this, how can we add four widgets in the footer area so we can just drag and drop things in the widget area of the site in each column.  

    I do not want to add custom code for the footer just for widgets. 

    Please let me know how to take care of this.  


  •  7,130
    Oliver replied


    For our footer  uses Isotope library for setting widgets one below the other as in the first screenshot. 


    The first 4 items will by in this order as you set in the theme or page options options, max cunt of widgets in 1 line is 4.

    If you need to remove isotope, just remove:

    $('#colophon .footer-widget-area').thegemPreloader(function() {
       $('#colophon .footer-widget-area').isotope({
          itemSelector: '.widget',
          layoutMode: 'masonry'

    from the 


    line 395-400

    Please note if you comment on your ticket before we reply, your ticket will be pushed down of the tickets list. 

    Regards, Oliver