It would be great if you could rate us on ThemeForest.
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I want a images in a row to slightly overlap on top of the layerslider on my homepage.
I have used the design options to move it into place but it sits behind the layerslider where I would like it to be infront.
If you see on my link it is the red circle just behind the layerslider.
Sorry for possible misunderstanding. You need something like in attach? If yes css:
Please note if you comment on your ticket before we reply, your ticket will be pushed down of the tickets list.
Regards, Oliver
Gregor, you are a legend!
Thanks, for ongoing support!
Thank you!
It would be great if you could rate us on ThemeForest. Just go to your downloads on ThemeForest ( ), find TheGem and then you can rate it here
We would very appreciate your rating!
Please note if you comment on your ticket before we reply, your ticket will be pushed down of the tickets list.
Regards, Oliver