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  Public Ticket #1085191
Custom.css not loading properly


  •  2
    Laura Jalonen started the conversation

    Hi there!

    A few issues:

    1. My Child theme's custom.css misses stuff in Chrome. For example I am trying to modify the main menu and nothing happens in Chrome, or in mobile (iPhone 6s with Chrome and Safari). In Firefox all works. See the attachments.

    As I view the source code, the whole lines are missing in custom.css in Chrome. I validated it in W3 validator, but didn´t find any help. (btw, it gives error on properties "fill" and "stroke" which don´t excist!).

    I also checked the encoding and all the forums for help but now I don´t know what to do with that. My client definitelly does not want any blue or turqoise on their page and the main menu font is terrible.

    2. Also in Chrome the logo seems a little unclear in 15,6" laptop screen (brand new laptop) and on 27" wide screen PC the whole logo was missing in Chrome. No problems with Firefox whatsoever. Sorry I don´t have a screenshot, but guess you got the idea.

    3. Can I customize mobile margins elsewhere than custom.css/theme options? A top half of front page Revolution Slider and othe pages' H1 title bar are under the header bar. I would like to drop them as many pixels as the header's height. Of course I can do this in custom.css (as soon as it will work properly), but if there is easier solution than Inspect - find the code - modify - test it would be nice. See the attachment.

    4. Already gave up with customizing the shop pages. I would like to add a sidebar for the pages for active category and for single product pages (which are created automatically by woocommerce). But I really don´t know how as I cannot modify those pages like the normal pages like Homepage or a Contact page.

    Anyway I keep trying as I already bought two licences (and more is coming perhaps), just need to figure out that custom.css issue. Sorry my explanation might not be the best as I am a Finnish speaking and hecking tired at 0.25...

  •  7,130
    Oliver replied


    1. It's cash issue, pls. clean your browser cash.

    2. Seems it's cash to, but to be sure, pls. remove everything from the


    And resave theme options. 

    3. Sorry, you can edit it only via css.


    For adding sidebars by default on the all pages:

    You need to install child theme, copy woocommerce.php template from parent TheGem theme to child and in this template in child after code:

        $thegem_sidebar_stiky = $thegem_item_data['sidebar_sticky'] ? 1 : 0;
        $thegem_sidebar_position = thegem_check_array_value(array('', 'left', 'right'), $thegem_item_data['sidebar_position'], '');

    add next:

        $thegem_sidebar_position = 'left';

    Please note if you comment on your ticket before we reply, your ticket will be pushed down of the tickets list. 

    Regards, Oliver

  •  2
    Laura Jalonen replied


    Thanks for help. Got them solved!