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  Public Ticket #1239048
Slider Revolution Button Color


  • JeltevdM started the conversation

    I am using the Slider Revolution-plugin for my website with the Agency Demo Theme: www.wolfdigital.nl

    I have a problem with the color of the ''more'' button. When I change the color to orange in the editor of the plugin, it does show the orange color in the editor. But, when I save it and I go to my website the button is still a kind of light yellow color. I have emptied my cache and it doesn't help.

    So in short, I change the button color to orange as I want it, but when I save it doesn't actually save and it simply remains light-yellow. The hover color does update.

    Does anyone have a solution?

    IMG Info
    Left button = the default demo color, which stays there after saving
    Right button = the orange color I want the button to be

  •  433
    Sergio replied


    pls. share the wp-admin access, we'll check

    If you’re happy with our theme, please rate us with 5 stars on Themeforest. It keeps us motivated!  (How to rate).

    Regards Sergio Codex.

  •   JeltevdM replied privately
  •  433
    Sergio replied


    Your problem has been fixed , pls. check your page.

    If you’re happy with our theme, please rate us with 5 stars on Themeforest. It keeps us motivated!  (How to rate).

    Regards Sergio Codex.

  • JeltevdM replied

    Yes it has been fixed, thank you.