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  Public Ticket #1282416
Main Menu


  • Plamen started the conversation


    I'd like for the main menu to be constantly displaying the section where the user is and this is not the case in three different pages. 

    If the user clicks on Portfolio--> Weddings, then the PORTFOLIO link is still in a box, but if they click on Portfolio--> Weddings--> Lifestyle then Portfolio is no longer boxed. Can this be fixed? 

    This is also the case in the Blogs, once they select a Blog, the word is no longer boxed in the main menu. Last page it happens on is Clients, once they select the client gallery they'd like to view, it removes the box from the main menu. 

    I have attached a screenshot of the box I am referring to. 

  •  4,891
    Michael replied


    Please share admin access. We will try to inspect problem on your site.

  •   Plamen replied privately
  •  4,891
    Michael replied



     are children of the "Portfolio" menu, so when you are on these pages, the portfolio menu item is framed.

    http://staging.dominoarts.com/portfolios/lifestyle Is not a child, so there is no way to make such a frame.

  • Plamen replied

    I understand, thank you!  

    I do have two additional questions in regards to the main menu. 

    1. There is a logo in the middle of the menu, is there a way to align the bottom of this logo with the rest of the options? We can't seem to do so regardless of the size of the logo. We'd also like to have the same amount of space between the logo and the other words, the logo seems to have less space. 

    2. We created some filters for the Journal (link: ) Is there a way to have the main menu be similar? instead of a rectangle, a line under the word. 

    Thank you in advance. 

  •  4,891
    Michael replied

    pls. use following css:

    #site-header #primary-navigation.primary-navigation .menu-item-logo {
       padding-bottom:22px !important;
       padding-left: 30px !important;
        padding-right: 30px !important;
    #site-header:not(.shrink) .header-colors-light.header-style-4 #primary-menu.no-responsive > li.menu-item-current > a {
    border-top:none !important;
    border-left: none !important;
    border-right: none !important;


  • Plamen replied

    Thank you, I noticed you placed it already!! #2 worked great but #1 didn't do anything. Any idea why? 

  •  4,891
    Michael replied

    We have aligned your logo along one line with the menu. Or do you want to align it somehow differently?

  • Plamen replied

    I'm sorry, I meant to say #2 didn't work. It only shows under portfolio, no other pages.

  •  4,891
    Michael replied

    Check your site now.

  • Plamen replied

    I am attaching a screenshot for your reference. 

    Thank you. 

  •  4,891
    Michael replied

    Clear your browser's cache.

  • Plamen replied

    It works great now, thank you so much! 

    If I wanted to make it smaller (length and thickness wise) how would I be able to do that? 

  • Plamen replied


    I also noticed that when I scroll down the box is back. How can I avoid that? 

  •  4,891
    Michael replied

    Check your site now.

  • Plamen replied

    That's perfect! Thank you so much!! 

  •  4,891
    Michael replied

    Have a nice day!

  • Plamen replied


    I have changed the size of the font in my main menu and now the bottom line that points out which section the user is in, is all the way at the bottom. I've tried changing the numbers on the code provided below but it won't bring it up a bit. 

    I have attached a screenshot pointing out exactly what I mean, can you please help? 

  •  4,891
    Michael replied

    HI! I do not see this problem on your site.

  •  4,891
  • Plamen replied

    Yes, I removed it so it could look normal for now. Please check again. 

  • Plamen replied

    Also, when I scroll down the logo changes size. Anyway to stop that from happening? 

  •  4,891
    Michael replied

    You need reduce line height