I am using visual composer to edit the slides and its backgrounds. I found that upon updating it and viewing the site, I have to resize and then enlarge the screen using my mouse every time I scroll to the next section in order to get the full view of the backgrounds. Also, the animations and parallax are not working on the sections?
I am using visual composer to edit the slides and its backgrounds. I found that upon updating it and viewing the site, I have to resize and then enlarge the screen using my mouse every time I scroll to the next section in order to get the full view of the backgrounds. Also, the animations and parallax are not working on the sections?
Hi, sorry, not quite sure what do you mean. Can you pls provide more details with screenshots?
These are when I view the sections without resizing the browser:
These are when I resize the browser with my mouse and make it full size again.
Also, now I can't make edits to the sections on Visual Composer?
Please share admin access. We will try to inspect problem on your site.