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  Public Ticket #1340237
Contact Form Code


  • djlucasmaia started the conversation


    would be possible to get the shortcode for styling Contact Form 7 as is in the Contact Us 01 demo?

  •  433
    Sergio replied


    this is form code:

    <div class="contact-form-style-2">
    <p class="cf-style2-title">[select* Title  class:gem-combobox "Mr" "Mrs" "Miss" "Ms" "Dr"]</p>
    <p class="cf-style2-text">[text* name placeholder akismet:author "Name*"]</p>
    <p class="cf-style2-phone">[tel phone placeholder "Your Phone*"]</p>
    <p class="cf-style2-email">[email* your-email placeholder akismet:author_email "Email*"]</p>
    <p class="cf-style2-adreess">[select* Where are you from  class:gem-combobox "USA" "United Kingdom" "European Union" "China" "India" "Australia"]</p>
    <p></p><h5><span class="light"> Scope of interests</span></h5><p></p>
    <p class="cf-style2-checkbox">[checkbox ScopesOfInterests: class:gem-checkbox "PHP" "MySQL" "CSS/JS" "HTML" "Wordpress"]</p>
    <p></p><h5><span class="light">Department </span></h5><p></p>
    <p class="cf-style2-radio">[radio Department class:gem-checkbox "IT" "Sales" "Support" "CRM" "Logistics"]</p>
    <p class="cf-style2-textarea">[textarea* Messege placeholder "Message"]</p>
    [checkbox* checkbox-318 class:gem-checkbox  exclusive "I have read the "General Terms Of Use" and agree with it"]
    [submit "Submit message"]

    If you’re happy with our theme, please rate us with 5 stars on Themeforest. It keeps us motivated!  (How to rate).

    Regards Sergio Codex.