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  Public Ticket #1382294
TheGem Product Grid broken


  • reynolderwandi started the conversation

    Previously, i have a similar page with justified shop demo. But after updating woocommerce, the product grid is different than before. The category on the top is gone. Display titles and hover type is different. (See attachment)

    I tried changing display titles, hover type, pagination but the product grid still looks the same like that. 

    I forgot to backup, how to fix it so its like in justified shop demo again.

    Oh, i also tried to import justified demo page again but its broken too. instead of what it should be, the product grid is the same like in my attachment.

  •  7,133
    Oliver replied


    Pls. provide the wp-admin access.

    Please note if you comment on your ticket before we reply, your ticket will be pushed down of the tickets list. 

    Regards, Oliver

  • reynolderwandi replied

    solved by updating thegem themes elements plugins