I've already opened a private ticket (I'm being helped by Max) but in the meantime if anyone at all knows how to make changes to Woo Product Block I'd greatly appreciate it. Using woo image settings in wordpress frontpage Customizer, the overlay hover effect is now too wide for the product images.
Woo thumbnail width for product list is 300px.
Product block width when 3 columns activated is 362px.
Overlay is based on product block width.
How can I make Overlay & Product block match up with 300px thumbnails? I've tried changing thumbnail width to 362px but it's definitely too big. And I can't find Product Block.
I want to keep 3 columns. I am using plugin "WooCommerce Product Archive Customiser" to achieve this. The image width has to be 300px or smaller and the overlay responsive.
Changing woo-product-overlay's margins (left & right) to 30px aligns the overlay hover effect nicely with the woo product images but breaks responsiveness when switching to mobile or shrinking the browser. Basically the overlay is fixed to those margins and doesn't realigns to product images on narrower screens.
Hello everyone,
I've already opened a private ticket (I'm being helped by Max) but in the meantime if anyone at all knows how to make changes to Woo Product Block I'd greatly appreciate it. Using woo image settings in wordpress frontpage Customizer, the overlay hover effect is now too wide for the product images.
Woo thumbnail width for product list is 300px.
Product block width when 3 columns activated is 362px.
Overlay is based on product block width.
How can I make Overlay & Product block match up with 300px thumbnails? I've tried changing thumbnail width to 362px but it's definitely too big. And I can't find Product Block.
I want to keep 3 columns. I am using plugin "WooCommerce Product Archive Customiser" to achieve this. The image width has to be 300px or smaller and the overlay responsive.
Changing woo-product-overlay's margins (left & right) to 30px aligns the overlay hover effect nicely with the woo product images but breaks responsiveness when switching to mobile or shrinking the browser. Basically the overlay is fixed to those margins and doesn't realigns to product images on narrower screens.
Thank you
Does anyone know where to locate Woo Product Block in regards to woo product overlay (hover) at all?
Specifically how to change product block's width.