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  Public Ticket #1520394
theme error


  •  1
    maxstart started the conversation

    every time i deactivate theme without errasing it the footer widget errases. and i loose everithing i worked on.

    and the menu also errases.

  •  7,129
    Oliver replied


    Sorry, but it's not possible to fix it, if the theme you switched don't have footer sidebar all the widgets from this area comes to the inactive tab, the simplest way to update the theme without loosing anything is to make duplicate of the gem theme, rename the theme in the style.css:

    Theme Name: TheGem
    Description: Multi-Purpose Wordpress Theme
    Author: Codex Themes.
    Theme URI: http://codex-themes.com/thegem/
    Version: 3.2.1
    Tags: one-column, two-columns, left-sidebar, right-sidebar, custom-background, custom-colors, custom-header, custom-menu, featured-images, flexible-header, full-width-template, theme-options, translation-ready
    License: GNU General Public License
    License URI: license.txt
    Text Domain: thegem


    Theme Name: TheGem-Updatng

    so if you need to update the theme just switch to this theme and remove old one. 

    Please note if you comment on your ticket before we reply, your ticket will be pushed down of the tickets list. 

    Regards, Oliver