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  Public Ticket #1635700
CTA Button Text for "News & Blog"


  • kungfuklub started the conversation


    Where can I change the text on the CTA-Button for the “News & Blog” preview? I DO NOT want to translate the buttons, but want to give them each an individual text. It is very important for SEO that the button link-text for each article preview matches with the target-URL and does not say “read more”.

    In the content-blog-item.php I found this code:

    <div class="post-read-more"><?php thegem_button(array('href' => get_the_permalink(), 'style' => 'outline', 'text' => __('Mehr lesen', 'thegem'), 'size' => (is_sticky() && !is_paged() ? 'medium' : 'tiny')), 1); ?></div>

    But it just tells me that the button text is “mehr lesen” (read more).

    The option, that the button-text for the “News & Blog” preview all have to be the same is not an option.

    Im asking for a specific client, whose Website we are working on right now and which is not public. But we have to same issue with the site https://bookabrain.de/ (See the "News & Blog" section) and https://bookabrain.de/online-marketing-blog/

    Attached you find a screenshot which buttons we are talking about.

    thank you, Jana

  • [deleted] replied


    You need to change other templates. Please check gem-templates/blog directory. Better do it in child theme for prevent loosing changes after theme update.

  • kungfuklub replied


    thank you :)

    Are you talking about the Backend? Where exactly do I have to go? I never saw a blog directory...

  • [deleted] replied

    Usually we use ftp for this.

    1. You need install child theme.

    2. Create gem-templates directory inside child theme.

    3. Create blog directory inside gem-templates.

    4. Copy templates from thegem/gem-templates/blog/ to same directory in child theme.

    5. Make necessary changes with templates in child theme.

  • kungfuklub replied

    Im not sure if you understand me or maybe I don't understand you. What do you mean by "necessary changes" and why is it so difficult to individualize a button, which should be really simple. It should be standard with your theme and I should be able to edit right on the article page like every other element.

    1. My theme is THE GEM/GYM. Its already activated

    2. ?

    3. ?

    4. ?

    5. ?

    Has no one complained about this? Sorry, but you talk about your theme being up to the SEO standards, but you (codex) are making this way too difficult. We have been purchasing your theme a few times now for our clients and this is the first time I come across something that really bothers me.

  • kungfuklub replied

    I think your response was not in regards to the button-text ;)

    All I want is for EACH article to be able to edit the button TEXT on the button that shows beneath the preview text. I know its possible to implement that through a custom field that needs to be connected to the "post-read-more" Button. Could you please install that?

  • [deleted] replied

    Button text can be changed in blog item template. Every blog style use its own item template. Total in theme 10 templates. 9 in thegem/gem-templates/blog/ directory and thegem/content-blog-item.php (default).

    If you change teplates in thegem/gem-templates/blog/ directory, after theme update you changes will be lost. Therefore we recommend to use child theme. More about child theme you can read here - https://codex.wordpress.org/Child_Themes.

    Default child theme for TheGem theme you can find in archive that you downloaded from envato market.