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  Public Ticket #1689563
installing demos correctly


  • Daniell Johnston started the conversation

    Hi there,

    I have installed all the demos and followed a youtube video on how to install a demo theme on my site, as there is no info on how to do this on your guide. I have chosen the creative agency one page demo and have been trying to customize it to suit my business. To do that I went to Settings > Reading > Homepage (chose the creative agency one page demo).

    The problem is that the primary menu at the top looks different from your live preview, I am currently stuck with a menu that links to pages unrelated to the demo theme, but the demo theme on the live preview scrolls down to the relevant sections when selected. Can you please tell me how to install the menu on the live preview correctly and also anything else I would need to know in relation to getting this demo theme to work as it should?

    Please understand I only have experience with easy web builders like in the Shopify theme store and find the builders attached to this software very confusing. I would like to understand it better.

    Thank you.

    Dan Johnston

  •  433
    Sergio replied


    pls. check the video tutorial (MAKING ONE PAGE WEBSITE) http://codex-themes.com/thegem/documentation/video-tutorials/

    If you’re happy with our theme, please rate us with 5 stars on Themeforest. It keeps us motivated!  (How to rate).

    Regards Sergio Codex.

  • Daniell Johnston replied

    Hi Sergio thanks for that, I will work on it.

    Also, I have noticed some of the parallax animations are not there as are on the preview site, as you will see from my website the background does not animate and some of the sections do not animate either. Can you please tell me how to restore these animations like in the demo?



  •  433

    If you’re happy with our theme, please rate us with 5 stars on Themeforest. It keeps us motivated!  (How to rate).

    Regards Sergio Codex.

  • Daniell Johnston replied

    Hi Sergio,

    Unfortunately this did not fix my problem. I will outline my specific problems here:

    1) The main background animation on slider revolution does not animate on my site. It animates fine when I test it within the slider revolution app, but it does not animate ('curtain from middle' effect) on the actual site. Instead the background just appears abruptly after a white background. Please advise exactly how to fix.

    2) The content on the page (text buttons and pictures) does not animate as in the creative agency demo and I don't know how to make it so. I do not know how to get them animating (the tutorials provided DO NOT HELP) and I would like to know exactly what steps to take to get these animating like in the demo. I have also read through the troubleshooting in Slider Revolution, Nivo Slider and Layer Slider and am even more confused than ever. 

    Please look at my site www.biggerbusiness.com.au and tell me why these animations are not working and tell me exactly how to fix it. 

    Thank you


  • Daniell Johnston replied


    Are you able to tell me if the animations not playing are a problem with the apps, the theme or with word press? All my apps are updated but I'm not sure if anyone else is experiencing the issue. Please help.


  •  433

    If you’re happy with our theme, please rate us with 5 stars on Themeforest. It keeps us motivated!  (How to rate).

    Regards Sergio Codex.