When will your theme become compatible with Thrive Themes Architect Builder?
Thrive Themes Architect is a much better builder than Bakery, so it will be really good to be able to use it with The Gem.
As soon as I switch to another theme then I am able to use Architect so there is something in your theme that doesn't follow the correct WordPress guidelines and is blocking Architect.
When will your theme become compatible with Thrive Themes Architect Builder?
Thrive Themes Architect is a much better builder than Bakery, so it will be really good to be able to use it with The Gem.
As soon as I switch to another theme then I am able to use Architect so there is something in your theme that doesn't follow the correct WordPress guidelines and is blocking Architect.
Ok, I'll add your request to our task manager and we'll think about it.
Please note if you comment on your ticket before we reply, your ticket will be pushed down of the tickets list.
Regards, Oliver