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  Public Ticket #1774102
Displaying custom filters


  • PatrickGamboa started the conversation


    I've added your demo shop page with left sidebar to use it to explain my question. So basically I added all of the related filters I need for the sidebar https://prnt.sc/lf6cex, includes category. But now I am dealing with another problem, and that is displaying the custom product attributes that I added https://prnt.sc/lf6cv0, I was wondering how can I display these attributes in my widget sidebar as part of a filters?

    Also, rather than a clickable filter, I was wondering if you have those other optional filters, such as this one? https://prnt.sc/lf6fd3, for these ones, I would really like to have them for my custom product attributes.

    Thank you!

  •  4,893
    Michael replied


    Yes, filters for new attributes can be configured.

    Please use this widget: