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  Public Ticket #1842429
Can Not install Revolution Slider in godaddy managed wordpress


  • dtroiano started the conversation

    I purchased TheGem and it will not work because I can not install Revolution Slider  in Go Daddy managed wordpress account. I see i am not the only one to have this problem also, There is no access to files to solve this problem in Go Daddy and honestly if this plugin is so old why is it still included in your package. Further I noticed that the recommendation is to buy. yes I said buy a stand alone version at almost 60% the total cost of the original TheGem product I purchased. Honestly if that is your solution its not a solution.. Not that I cant afford the 30 bucks, but where I come from we call that "bait and switch" and I purchased this after doing my due diligence and no where did it say I might need to purchase anything else.  If it had I would have purchased another product. I either want a refund or a free solution ASAP

  • XSunfireCarrotX replied

    I too, am having this issue. I submitted a ticket and have yet to hear anything about it. If you do purchase it, and it works for you, let me know. I was looking into it since it was such a beautiful part of the theme.... I tried re-installing the zip file but it is not working. 

  •  7,133
    Oliver replied


    dtroiano - pls. provide the wp-admin and FTP access.

    XSunfireCarrotX - replied in your ticket.

    Please note if you comment on your ticket before we reply, your ticket will be pushed down of the tickets list. 

    Regards, Oliver