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  Public Ticket #1878219
Using a font that is not a drop down option


  • JenniferR started the conversation


    I would like to assign a font family to H1 that is not one of the dropdown font family options. I tried this code in the CSS, but it is not working. 

    h1 {

      font-family: sofia-pro, sans-serif !important;

    Do you know what I need to do to use a font that is not on the list?

    It would be awesome if you could make your public tickets searchable. I tried to look through them to see if there was a previous ticket on this topic. I imagine this would be a question that multiple people have.

    Thanks so much for your great tech support! I happily purchased my second tech support renewal. 

    Best wishes,

  • JenniferR replied

    Sorry. You can close this ticket. I figured it out.

    Best wishes,
