Attached is a photo with circles around the parts I want to edit.
How do I delete the circled items?
How do I change the text for "Details" button?
How do I remove text that says "in splash dark demo"?
How do i change the icons that show up on hover?
Finally, how do i duplicate one portfolio item so I can use the same thing several times. I do not want different portfolio items with different icons and page setups in one portfolio set.
I have read your documentation. It didn't help me. I only posted this ticket because I couldn't sort everything out myself. Now, will you be kind enough to take me through step by step so I can solve my problems?
Simply referring somebody to your documentation is rude honestly. At least put some effort in it and try to help first. I have attached an image, did you even look at it?
Attached is a photo with circles around the parts I want to edit.
Hi, pls. check the documentation
I have read your documentation. It didn't help me. I only posted this ticket because I couldn't sort everything out myself. Now, will you be kind enough to take me through step by step so I can solve my problems?
Simply referring somebody to your documentation is rude honestly. At least put some effort in it and try to help first. I have attached an image, did you even look at it?
Hi, if you read the documentation you would find all the answers!
1, 3) pls. check the shortcode settings (Screen_17-05-54.png)
a) Take file languages/thegem.pot or xx_YY.po from theme directory.
b) Open this file with Poedit software.
c) Translate necessary strings to your language.
d) In software open Catalog - Settings and set Language to Translation to xx_YY.
e) Then save the file as thegem-xx_YY. (You must have two files thegem-xx_YY.po and
f) These files you need to put to the wp-content/languages/themes of your site.
With the same operation, you can translate TheGem elements plugin.
Just put translations in wp-content/languages/plugins
4) your need to change the portfolio item type (Screen_17-10-29.png)
5) pls. check the theme options (Screen_17-11-45.png) or use plugin 'duplicate post'
Thank you. This was so helpful.
I do not intent changing language though...
Here are some points you missed; i will rephrase them so you understand what I mean better:
1. How do I change the "Details" button to "Read more"
2. How do I remove text that says "in splash dark demo"? I have circled this in the image I attached.
Counting on your assistance. Thank you.
1) The easiest way is through a child theme
a) add a child theme
b) copy template themes/thegem/gem-templates/portfolios/content-portfolio-item-1x.php in themes/child_theme/gem-templates/portfolios/
c) search and replace Details on Read More
2) uncheck this setting ( Screen_14-31-22.png )