Comments yuneo started the conversationSeptember 2, 2020 at 8:07pmHaving imported the demo pages from the theme, I intend to change the breadrumbs title from 'Home' to its French translation 'Accueil', and similarly for 'Portfolio Item'. 4,890Michael repliedSeptember 3, 2020 at 8:29amHI!Please use this setting:We recommend to use Loco Translate plugin for the theme translation or you can translate theme manually with .po file, pls. follow the instructions: 1. Take file languages/thegem.pot or xx_YY.po from theme directory. 2. Open this file with Poedit software. 3. Translate necessary strings to your language. 4. In software open Catalog - Settings and set Language to Translation to xx_YY. 5. Then save the file as thegem-xx_YY. (You must have two files thegem-xx_YY.po and 6. These files you need to put to the wp-content/languages/themes of your site. With the same operation, you can translate TheGem elements plugin. Just put translations in wp-content/languages/plugins Sign in to reply ...
Having imported the demo pages from the theme, I intend to change the breadrumbs title from 'Home' to its French translation 'Accueil', and similarly for 'Portfolio Item'.
Please use this setting:
We recommend to use Loco Translate plugin for the theme translation or you can translate theme manually with .po file, pls. follow the instructions:
1. Take file languages/thegem.pot or xx_YY.po from theme directory.
2. Open this file with Poedit software.
3. Translate necessary strings to your language.
4. In software open Catalog - Settings and set Language to Translation to xx_YY.
5. Then save the file as thegem-xx_YY. (You must have two files thegem-xx_YY.po and
6. These files you need to put to the wp-content/languages/themes of your site.
With the same operation, you can translate TheGem elements plugin.
Just put translations in wp-content/languages/plugins