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  Public Ticket #2687757
Column vertical gap on mobile


  •  1
    David started the conversation


    I'm struggling with the settings for mobile devices. I cannot find dedicated setting within the Them Options panel.

    I've got a row with 5 columns, gaps between set for 10px. When I start decreasing the width of the screen to check how it behaves on mobile, the gaps suddenly change to bigger value, the headings text becomes unreadable and when the view finally switches to mobile phone view, the gaps between columns are like 40px at least. Where do I adjust these settings? How do I set a screen size breakpoint for mobile?

    Check the screenshots - in this case I set the column gap for 0px / expecting to stay that way when the screen size changes. But no - the gap increases until it looks really bad...

    What gives?

    Thanks for help.

  •  4,882
    Michael replied


    Please provide the wp-admin access. We will try to help you.

  •   David replied privately
  •  4,882
    Michael replied

    1) Please disable these settings:


    2) pls. use following css:

    @media (max-width: 1199px){
    .wpb_row > * {
        margin-top: 0 !important;
    .wpb_row {
        margin-top: 0 !important;
    .gem-textbox {
        margin-bottom: 0 !important;
  •  1
    David replied


    I've disabled mentioned settings. Apart from a small gap change it did not do much. Check screenshots. Once you start making you screen smaller the columns loose their 10px gap - this increases to much larger amount. Once you reach mobile breakpoint, you see one column at a time but their vertical gap is still too large - definitely larger than 10px. Seems like 50px or so to me.

  •  4,882
    Michael replied

    You didn't disable the settings that I indicated to you in the previous message.


  •  1
    David replied

    OK, my bad - I though that was the settings for the Inner Row, not the Inner Column. Sorry.

    However this only fixed the horizontal spacing between columns, but once they get into the vertical alignment - one column for the entire screen - the vertical gap between them is still too large. The screenshot is after the fix.

  •  4,882
    Michael replied

    Please use these settings:
