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  Public Ticket #3126198
The dark background options of the menus and top area of ​​the theme do not work


  • imconsulting started the conversation

    I recently installed TheGem Elementor Theme and got ready to customize one of the Demos, but at the moment I wanted to set the Menu option, the ´´Main Menu dark and submenu dark´´ options and the style of the Top Area of ´´ Dark background´´ do not work. When changing them, the menu spaces always appear with a white background and their color cannot be changed. Even in the ´´Colors´´ option of ´´Menu and Header´´ I tried to change the colors one by one (specifically in the ´´background type of the navigation area´´) and the change did not proceed either.
    In turn, when I go to the admin part of Elementor in the ´´General´´ section where I try to remove the check from the ´´deactivate default colors´´ or ´´deactivate default fonts´´ box, I also do not get allows it.
    How can I set those menu backgrounds to a dark background or another color?
  •  7,133
    Oliver replied


    CSS example:

    .header-layout-fullwidth_hamburger #primary-menu.no-responsive, 
    #thegem-perspective .perspective-navigation:not(.responsive), 
    #page.vertical-header #site-header-wrapper, .vertical-minisearch.menu-item-ajax-search .vertical-minisearch-shadow {
        background-color: #000;



    Please note if you comment on your ticket before we reply, your ticket will be pushed down of the tickets list. 

    Regards, Oliver