I want to put the scroll points in another colour. Now they are white, and I want them in black. Where can I change the style? In case of adding CSS, could you tell me?
.thegem-fp-dost-outlined-active #fp-nav ul li:hover a,
.thegem-fp-dost-outlined-active #fp-nav ul li a.active,
.thegem-fp-dost-outlined-active #fp-nav ul li:hover a.active {
border-color: #000 !important;
.thegem-fp-dost-outlined-active #fp-nav ul li a span:not(.fp-sr-only) {
background-color: #000 !important;
#fp-nav ul li .fp-tooltip {
color: #000 !important;
.thegem-fp-dost-outlined-active #fp-nav ul li .fp-tooltip:after {
background-color: #000 !important;
On my website (now in maintenance mode) https://expandiainternational.com/?mct_token=8E6E28035DB1
I want to put the scroll points in another colour. Now they are white, and I want them in black. Where can I change the style? In case of adding CSS, could you tell me?
Thank you.
Attached files: croll point white.jpg
pls. use following css:
And if you are using lines(for using navigation dots), what css do i need to use?
And can you color the active and non-active lines different?
Please give me link to your site
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Regards, Oliver