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  Public Ticket #3337044
footer keep appearing in homepage


  • lioravr99 started the conversation

    hey guys,

    i Want to have my homepage clean with only a slide show from slider revolution taking up the entire page like in here - https://pitsou.com/

    I cant find a way to make the footer disappear and cancel the ability to scroll down in the home page, please provide help.

    best regards 


  •  1
    Fascomilia replied

    Dashboard > TheGem > Theme Options > Footer and disable the footer. Hope this helps


  • lioravr99 replied

    I tried it and was still left with a black space at the bottom and the page is still scrollable, in addition i didn't do that from the beginning because i do want my footer on the rest of the site, just not in the homepage.

    please provide a more in depth assistance. 



  •  7,133
    Oliver replied


    Please provide wp-admin access, I'll check it out

    Please note if you comment on your ticket before we reply, your ticket will be pushed down of the tickets list. 

    Regards, Oliver

  •  1
    Fascomilia replied

    Hi there Lior,

    i'm not a stuff member by any means! I have the Gem in use and was trying to help you find the 
    path and not to provide any art of assistance!

    If you want to disable it only in the homepage, then try to open the page in edit modus
    and scroll down to the site options ;)

    TheGem has lots of options and a great documentation as well!!

  •  7,133
    Oliver replied

    HI Lior, 

    I see you already removed it, do you still need help?

    Please note if you comment on your ticket before we reply, your ticket will be pushed down of the tickets list. 

    Regards, Oliver

  • lioravr99 replied


    Fascomilia im sorry haha i thought you were from the tech support and was disappointed from the respond but turns out you are just a good human trying to help, unfortunately it didn't work.

    Oliver I would much rather not provide this information if possible, think you can still help without it? i just want the homepage to be not-scrollable and the only thing on it should be the header and the slider revolution background slider, if you still think wp-admin access is necessary please tell me how i can provide you with it in a secure way 

    have a good one


  • lioravr99 replied

    Hey Oliver,

    Letting you know i resoled the issue with some CSS.

    Thank you.

  •  7,133
    Oliver replied

    Thank you for letting us know!

    Please note if you comment on your ticket before we reply, your ticket will be pushed down of the tickets list. 

    Regards, Oliver