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  Public Ticket #3350884
What happened to animations for https://codex-themes.com/thegem/sites/agency-media/ ?


  • Letmeknowplease started the conversation

    https://codex-themes.com/thegem/sites/agency-media/ -

    Guys, when you import thegem some of the animations don't import, including the header word that switches on this homepage. I also didn't see this animation in the 74 Rev Slider Animations imported. Anyway to in bulk attach these animations to each element, and how do i make my header like this themes header with the switch word out, as I dont even see this animation in the 74 imported.


  •  7,130
    Oliver replied

    Hi, the rotating words is the feature of the Animated Heading content element, kindly check https://codex-themes.com/thegem/documentation/elementor/#animated-heading . You can easily activate it in this element and add your own content. 

    Please note if you comment on your ticket before we reply, your ticket will be pushed down of the tickets list. 

    Regards, Oliver