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  Public Ticket #3445490
Individualize "read more" buttons for blog articles


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    Jana started the conversation


    I would like to revisit an older ticket of mine, where I sadly forgot to answer (see screenshot).

    You guys asked me: Let me precise this: do you wish to have an option to write individual "read more" text (or assign individual title attribute) for each of this buttons inside the loop? May I ask you which tool are you using for SEO checking? It is quite new for me that Google penalizes the buttons inside the loops - what about the whole online magazines and news websites which always have the same "read more" button in news / blog grids? 

    From an SEO perspective, it's often beneficial for website buttons to contain individual and context-relevant text. Here's why:

    1. User Experience (UX): Clear, context-related CTA (Call-to-Action) texts can assist users in understanding the consequent action upon clicking. For instance, a "Explore Family Osteopathy" button provides more clarity compared to a generic "Read more."
    2. Semantic Context: Search engines use the text on websites to discern content and context. Therefore, a button text describing its consequent action can provide search engines with clearer context about a page's content.
    3. Anchor Text for Internal Links: If a button acts as a link to another page on the site, its text also serves as the anchor text for that internal link. An optimized anchor text can help establish a semantic relationship between various pages on a site.

    While button text alone isn't the most influential SEO ranking factor and like you said, there is no penalty for it, it does play a part in the broader SEO strategy. The core of any site's success in search rankings is the provision of high-quality, relevant, and valuable content for its users.

    Google hasn't made a direct statement declaring individual button texts as a ranking factor. However, they consistently emphasize the importance of user experience and the delivery of clear, helpful information to users. In this vein, a context-relevant button text would unquestionably aid in enhancing the user experience.

    Furthermore, many recognized SEO experts emphasize the importance of clear CTAs and their influence on user experience and conversion rates. Examples:

    Rand Fishkin (former CEO of Moz, founder of SparkToro)
    Brian Dean (founder of Backlinko)
    Neil Patel (Co-founder of Crazy Egg, Hello Bar, and Ubersuggest)

    It would be very helpful if you could consider these insights in your design processes. Implementing such a practice could offer better value to our customers and their website visitors.

    thank you,


    Attached files:  Bildschirm­foto 2023-08-27 um 16.27.19.png
      Bildschirm­foto 2023-08-27 um 16.28.15.png

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    Oliver replied

    Hi Jana, 

    thank you very much for this interesting insights and explanations!
    To keep it short: yes, now you can use individual text for buttons in TheGem inside the loop. 
    We have recently released a new update, containing the "Loop Item Builder" feature. Kindly check this documentation: https://docs.codex-themes.com/category/645-loop-item-builder
    In short: with this feature you can create custom templates for loop items. For example, you can create some unique custom design for the blog post inside the blog loop. 
    Ok, so now let's combine this feature with the another TheGem feature - Dynamic Content. Kindly check this documentation: https://docs.codex-themes.com/category/455-custom-fields 
    With custom fields you can create individualized button text per post. You can create a filed like "Button Text" and fill this field with individual content per post - so each post will have its individual button text. 
    Ok, and now the question, how to insert this individual text in loop item template: 
    simply use TheGem Button content element in the loop item template https://docs.codex-themes.com/article/476-button - in the button element you can set the dynamic source for the button text - in this way each button will get its text from the respective post. 

    Please check this options and features, it will resolve your requirements. If you will need some help with this - kindly let me know. 

    Please note if you comment on your ticket before we reply, your ticket will be pushed down of the tickets list. 

    Regards, Oliver