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  Public Ticket #3555231
Creating a new Blog Post template


  • envatousernamelogin started the conversation

    I would like to use a different template for my Blog Posts. In my template options, I can only see "TheGem Boxed"  and "TheGem Ful Width" as options. I can't see where to modify these or create a new one. 

    The post I have linked is using "TheGem Boxed". I'd like to duplicate this template so I can do the following:

    - Remove the header "Our Work" altogether
    - Remove the Social Links and "About Author" 

    Can someone either let me know how to do the steps above, or how to find and duplicate "TheGem Boxed" template, so I can modify it. 


  •  6,926
    Oliver replied


    Thank you for your request. 

    Kindly use TheGem Templates Builder -> Single Post to create your own blog post template as described in documentation: https://docs.codex-themes.com/category/186-single-post-builder 

    Please note if you comment on your ticket before we reply, your ticket will be pushed down of the tickets list. 

    Regards, Oliver