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  Public Ticket #3559560
How to add a line of text below a video project in portfolio grid.


  • Mark Micheli started the conversation

    I'm using the Portofolio grid to show videos I created and I'd like to be able to add a line of text, below the video in the video lightbox, or if that can't be done, below the video thumbnail (before someone clicks to launch the video lightbox). Is this something that can be done by adding "project details" to each video portfolio item? I read about adding "project details," and then tried but wasn't able to accomplish what I'd like to accomplish. Any help you can provide is appreciated. Thanks!

    (Note: I paid to have you add the capability to add captions under photos in my photo lightbox but that doesn't seem to apply to videos. Check out one of my photo galleries to see that: https://markmicheli.com/photo-galleries-3/#thegem-portfolio-1 )

  •  7,130
    Oliver replied

    Hi Mark, 

    kindly provide your current wp-admin access details using the private message, thank you.

    Please note if you comment on your ticket before we reply, your ticket will be pushed down of the tickets list. 

    Regards, Oliver

  • Mark Micheli replied

    Hi Oliver. User name: admin 

    Password: lou1se

  •  7,130
    Oliver replied

    Hi Mark, 

    thank you for sharing. The problem is that in case of video (other than in case of images) the lightbox opens the video player. There is no possibility to insert any text anywhere here as the video player takes the whole space. 

    However you can add the description to your portfolio items and show it in the grid. You can add the description here: 


    And in the grid you can display it by selecting "Caption Below Image" style - check this example I have made for you: 



    Please note if you comment on your ticket before we reply, your ticket will be pushed down of the tickets list. 

    Regards, Oliver

  • Mark Micheli replied

    Thanks Oliver. This is very helpful. Much appreciated.


  •  7,130
    Oliver replied

    Hi Mark,

    you are welcome! 

    I am very pleased to know you are satisfied with TheGem and its support. It would be much appreciated if you could leave a positive rating on themeforest.net - this is very inspiring for us to constantly improve TheGem for your best user experience! Thank you in advance!

    Please note if you comment on your ticket before we reply, your ticket will be pushed down of the tickets list. 

    Regards, Oliver