and I looked in all the theme settings but I can't see why the color of the hamburger changes for mobile and on the inner pages, desktop too. want it to be #77AFDC always and on hover. Where do I set it? what you see below isn't working for that.
how do I make the hero image text show on mobile, I can't see it at all - see attachment.
and also the phone number and email in the contact section, it has also disappeared.
also for tablet, how do I take off the onepage scroll?
Attached files: mobile hero.png
1,2) Fixed.
3) I see you've already done that.
Attached files: Screenshot_1156.png
The menu seems to have a white hamburger for mobile.
How do I make it the same blue as it is for desktop?
Also on mobile I want to move the words down the coulmn a little so it is centered to the image.
I tried to do vertical align - center or bottom and add padding but nothing moved it down.
Attached files: TheSiteStop-–-Web-Development.png
Please edit these settings:
Attached files: Screenshot_1167.png
ok thanks
the phone info box on the bottom of these pages is still missing on mobile:
and I looked in all the theme settings but I can't see why the color of the hamburger changes for mobile and on the inner pages, desktop too. want it to be #77AFDC always and on hover. Where do I set it? what you see below isn't working for that.
1) Turn this setting on and off.
2) Please edit this setting:
Attached files: Screenshot_1189.png
Why do I keep seeing this error randomly when I edit portfolio items?
Attached files: error.png
Please provide a link to this portfolio item.
it has also happened on this one
why is not showing on this list
In the theme options, the template is set as the page content.
You can change it in the Page Options here:
Attached files: Screenshot_1201.png
How do I hide the logo so it only shows on scroll?
How do I hide the logo so it only shows on scroll?
Attached files: hide logo.png
So you want to hide the logo on the first slide?
I want to hide the logo that shows on every page and only show it when a person scrolls, then they should see the logo and the menu, like it is now.
pls. use following css:
I can see it is hidden on the inner pages but not on the homepage? Did you add the css?
I made a mistake - sorry, I only want the logo hidden on the homepage, first slider and on the homepage only show logo on scroll.
It should show all the time on the inner pages, regular and on scroll.