Good afternoon, my name is Fidel Vidal and I am writing because I have this configuration question: I have installed WPML premiun and I have already looked for all the translation strings that the WPML plugin allows me both tel Tema The Gem and the other plugg inn, but I still have some details.
1) in the spanish language the button "Add To Cart" I have not been able to translate it (attached image 1)
2) when viewing the products in the Spanish language on hovering the cursor shows the legend "Quick View" which I have not been able to translate either. (attached image 1)
Good afternoon, my name is Fidel Vidal and I am writing because I have this configuration question:
I have installed WPML premiun and I have already looked for all the translation strings that the WPML plugin allows me both tel Tema The Gem and the other plugg inn, but I still have some details.
1) in the spanish language the button "Add To Cart" I have not been able to translate it (attached image 1)
2) when viewing the products in the Spanish language on hovering the cursor shows the legend "Quick View" which I have not been able to translate either. (attached image 1)
Where can I translate these buttons?
Attached files: add to cart translate imagen 1.png
You can change these texts as follows:
Attached files: Screenshot_1262.png