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  Public Ticket #3661176


  • lubomircvercko85 started the conversation

    Hello so I have a question about the multilingual options, in the demo construction that were using is an option to change languages. When I have imported the demo it wasnt there at the top. Thats fine still but Id like to know which plugin do you recommend to use with your theme we want to make it so its in Slovak (default) EN, DE. Right now we have some basic layot in slovak and want to add the EN and DE translations... Was there an option to directly import that language bars ? We chose to hide that top bar for now the language changers can be in menu... 

    Attached files:  2024-06-05 15_06_41-Window.png

  •  7,130
    Oliver replied


    We recommend to use WPML plugin for multilingual website. We have an extensive documentation about it:


    And regarding this language switcher kindly check this article: https://docs.codex-themes.com/article/204-header-specific-elements#Language-Switcher-AcmQO 

    Please note if you comment on your ticket before we reply, your ticket will be pushed down of the tickets list. 

    Regards, Oliver