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  Public Ticket #3681037
using templates


  • Bastenhof started the conversation


    I prepared some portfolio pages templates, in Templates Builder, to make the portfolio page. 

    As said in the documentation, I modified the Content Layout settings, in Page Options, to get the right template.

    But then, when I want to make changes on the new portfolio page, to import the right photos and to change the text, I get the error message you can see here on this image. 

    How can I fix this ? 

    Thank you ! 


    Attached files:  Capture d’écran 2024-07-06 à 22.32.03.png

  •  7,130
    Oliver replied


    as said in the error message, if you wish to edit some content with Elementor in portfolio pages AND to use the template for portfolio pages, your template should include the "Post Content" element. 

    For example, let's edit this portfolio template: 


    You need to add this widget to your template: 


    This widget is responsible for displaying the content added with Elementor on your portfolio page, i.e. here for example: 



    Please note if you comment on your ticket before we reply, your ticket will be pushed down of the tickets list. 

    Regards, Oliver

  • Bastenhof replied

    Thank you. 

    About the content widget, is there some documentation available ? 

    I can''t see what  I can do with it. Put photos inside ? Text inside ?  

    Thank you for your help, 


  • Bastenhof replied

    At the moment, I have portfolios templates, with text fields in it (title, specific widget with text inside), and some specific widgets as gallery grid, images, gallery slider. 

    I'd like to keep the general settings in the portfolio templates, and be able to change the texts and images for each portfolio items.

    How could this Content widget help ? Should I build all this differently ?

    Thank you, 


  •  7,130
    Oliver replied

    Hi Lucia, 

    it is quite simple: the "Content" widget is there to output the content of your portfolio item. There are no specific settings for this widget. It serves only to display the things you create in page builder in your portfolio item here: 



    Imagine, that portfolio template is everything around your content. It defines the general layout of your portfolio item/page globally. In the template you can define, which meta fields on which position to show, where and how to show the featured image, where to show the author - things like that. And with "Content " widget you define where to display the actual content of your portfolio item. 

    Portfolio template contains "global" layout and elements of your portfolio page. "Content" widget outputs the individual specific content of the respective portfolio item/portfolio page where this template has been applied. 

    Please note if you comment on your ticket before we reply, your ticket will be pushed down of the tickets list. 

    Regards, Oliver

  • Bastenhof replied


    I understand that the Content widget, put on a template page, allows to make changes in the portfolio item that uses this template. 

    However, it doesn't solve my questions. 

    For instance, I currently have an image, a title, a text and the project info widget on the template.

    If I put a content widget on the page, I can set specific margins, but it doesn't help so much. It seems I'll have to redo everything for each portfolio item : put an image or image slider in the content area, put a text with its settings, and what a about the project info widget ? Is there a way to get access to the description fields, in order to change those specific fields without having to put a new Project Info widget for each new portfolio item ?

    Thanks you for your answers, 


    Modifier « Template_PF6_tteLargeur_Carousel_Wide » avec Elementor (decors-mojohand.com)

    Attached files:  Capture d’écran 2024-07-15 à 11.49.00.png

  •  7,130
    Oliver replied

    Hi Lucia, 

    Maybe there is some misunderstanding in our communication, so let me explain again: 

    the main difference between the template and the content is that the first one contains the global things which are applied globally. For example: 

    https://www.decors-mojohand.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=29904&action=elementor - you have inserted the image here 


    This is a static image. This image will appear on all portfolio pages where you will apply this template - always the same picture. 

    The same is with this text: 


    This is a static text and exactly the same text will appear on all portfolio pages, where you will apply this template. 

    So, I suppose you would wish to have different image and text on different portfolio pages. That's why actually you would need to remove this static content elements from your template and put them in the respective portfolio page instead. And to display this image and text on your portfolio page, where you have applied the portfolio template, you need to add "content" widget in your template. 

    As I see, for example, you have now added this widget to your template: 


    This content is coming from the respective portfolio page. 

    Maybe I don't quite understand your requirements or what exactly would you like to achieve. Maybe it would be better if you will share some drafts of the portfolio page you would like to have showing which content should be a global content and which content is individual "per page" content. Thank you. 

    Please note if you comment on your ticket before we reply, your ticket will be pushed down of the tickets list. 

    Regards, Oliver

  • Bastenhof replied

    Hi Oliver, 

    The 'content' widget is clearer for me, thanks. 

    Eventually, I made templates into Elementor, with all my different elements in place with the right settings, and I just have to replace my texts and images.

    What annoyed me with the content widget is that you have to re-do the work of putting the right settings again and again, for each portfolio page (as paddings, hover settings, typography settings etc).

    Thanks for your help.


  •  7,130
    Oliver replied

    Hi Lucia, 

    you are welcome. Actually you don't need to put the right settings again and again, for each portfolio page, because the "content" widget is just displaying the content exactly as it has been added to the portfolio page.

    Please note if you comment on your ticket before we reply, your ticket will be pushed down of the tickets list. 

    Regards, Oliver