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  Public Ticket #3684330
Footer not visible in one page


  •  2
    giuseppedb started the conversation


    in the page https://nuovo.websicily.it/about/ there is the footer.
    I'm referring to the simple rectangle at the bottom, not the footer widgets. See the screenshot "footer.jpg".

    In this other page https://nuovo.websicily.it/servizi/ there ins't the footer. See the screenshot "no footer.jpg".
    But both pages have the same footer option, as you can see from the other 2 attached screenshots.

    How can I display the footer on this page too?

    Thank You very much
    Best regards

    Giuseppe Di Baudo

    Attached files:  chi siamo.jpg
      no footer.jpg

  •  7,130
    Oliver replied



    This happens because you have specified this negative margin in the last section on your "Servizi" page. I have removed it - please check your page now. 

    Please note if you comment on your ticket before we reply, your ticket will be pushed down of the tickets list. 

    Regards, Oliver