I get some troubles on smartphones. Can you tell me how to fix them ?
1/ The header : (for which I use a header template)
- I get a phone icon that I have removed. It doesn't appear on computers but comes on smartphones !?
- When I click on the sandwich icon on the homepage, I get the menu, but I don't have hover effects : the hover effects that work on computers don't appear on smartphones. Where can I change that ?
- It seems there're other settings elsewhere : sometimes (for instance, on the 'contact' page), when you click on the sandwich icon, you get bold fonts and another color on hover. How can I get the same settings everywhere, as set in the only header template ?
2/ On the portfolio page, the footer template appears beneath the grid box and the 'show more' button. Whereas it's ok on computers ! How can I make it appear under the content ?
3/ On individual portfolio items pages, titles don't appear correctly, as you can see on the attached screenshot. How should I fix it ?
On the portfolio page, the footer template appears beneath the grid box and the 'show more' button. Whereas it's ok on computers ! How can I make it appear under the content ?)
I get some troubles on smartphones. Can you tell me how to fix them ?
1/ The header : (for which I use a header template)
- I get a phone icon that I have removed. It doesn't appear on computers but comes on smartphones !?
- When I click on the sandwich icon on the homepage, I get the menu, but I don't have hover effects : the hover effects that work on computers don't appear on smartphones. Where can I change that ?
- It seems there're other settings elsewhere : sometimes (for instance, on the 'contact' page), when you click on the sandwich icon, you get bold fonts and another color on hover. How can I get the same settings everywhere, as set in the only header template ?
2/ On the portfolio page, the footer template appears beneath the grid box and the 'show more' button. Whereas it's ok on computers ! How can I make it appear under the content ?
3/ On individual portfolio items pages, titles don't appear correctly, as you can see on the attached screenshot. How should I fix it ?
Thanks a lot ! :)
the portfolio page : https://www.decors-mojohand.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=30771&action=elementor
The Gem settings : https://www.decors-mojohand.com/wp-admin/admin.php?page=thegem-theme-options#/menu-and-header/layout
Attached files: Screenshot_20240720_163800.jpg
1) You need to select the sticky menu correctly.
Also please edit these colors:
2) I was not able to quickly find the cause of this problem. Please create a copy of this page so I can experiment there.
3) You need to reduce those margins.
Attached files: 2024-07-22_10-09.png
1/ Thanks for your answers.
However, how can I get hover effects on the menu on smartphones (as on computers ) ?
2/ You asked me to make a copy of this page, here it is :
(I wrote :
On the portfolio page, the footer template appears beneath the grid box and the 'show more' button. Whereas it's ok on computers ! How can I make it appear under the content ?)
Thank you ! :)
1) There is no concept of “hovering” on mobile devices as they only use finger taps.
2) Sorry, I don't see this problem on https://www.decors-mojohand.com/portfolio-to-test/ page.