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  Public Ticket #3743969
License code failure


  • javier started the conversation


    We set up the website on a development server, under a development domain without any problem. When we put the website into production, we get an error in the theme's license code.

    How can we fix it?

    The development URL was: https://beta78h654.ecustomer.es/
    And the final URL of the website: https://scootersmadrid.com/

  •  7,073
    Oliver replied


    kindly check the following rules for naming the dev/staging instances: https://docs.codex-themes.com/article/295-license-terms - in this way your staging will be automatically recognized as "dev" installation. 

    In case you cannot rename your staging (or this is complicated) please share your purchase in a private message so we can reassign the license accordingly. Thank you. 

    Please note if you comment on your ticket before we reply, your ticket will be pushed down of the tickets list. 

    Regards, Oliver