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  Public Ticket #3771495
How to make a Page the Front-Page ?


  •  2
    Gerald started the conversation

    Hello Support,

    I duplicated « – Homepage: Portfolio minimalistic (Demo)» in order to keep the original, therefore I now also have a « – Homepage: Portfolio minimalistic » (no-Demo).

    Is there any short way to define « – Homepage: Portfolio minimalistic » as the new FRONT-PAGE for my site ?

    Any hints would be much appreciated :)


    Attached files:  2024-11-26_THEGEM_FRONT-PAGE-ISSUE.55.1.png

  •  7,120
    Oliver replied


    To set a specific page as your homepage/frontpage in WordPress, go to Settings > Reading in your dashboard. Under the "Your homepage displays" section, select A static page and then choose the page you want to set as the homepage from the dropdown menu. Click Save Changes to apply it.

    Please note if you comment on your ticket before we reply, your ticket will be pushed down of the tickets list. 

    Regards, Oliver