I uploaded a block from The Gem, with an image as background.
I can't find where this background image is on Elementor, to put another image instead. As on the attached image, I looked all backgrounds, background superposition, on the different levels, but no image !!!
I tried uploading there another image, but the 1st one still remains...
In the same way, I have odd issues with 2 images :
1/ On the home page, at the end, an image coming from an imported block (see attached image 1). I can't find it in Backgrounds, Parallax system. .. How can I get rid of it ?
2/ On the 'A propos' page, an image (the one with the laptop) coming from the imported version of this page, but no way to find it ! (see attached image 2) . The same : how can I get rid of it ?
For the 2nd one, the image I want to suppress is the one on the attached image. It appears only on this page, so I guess it is not on the "post title " template, but on the page itself.
I uploaded a block from The Gem, with an image as background.
I can't find where this background image is on Elementor, to put another image instead. As on the attached image, I looked all backgrounds, background superposition, on the different levels, but no image !!!
I tried uploading there another image, but the 1st one still remains...
Can you tell me where it is ???
Thank you !
Attached files: Capture d’écran 2025-01-03 à 23.10.29.png
please use this setting:
Attached files: Screenshot_2546.png
Solved, thank you ! :)
In the same way, I have odd issues with 2 images :
1/ On the home page, at the end, an image coming from an imported block (see attached image 1). I can't find it in Backgrounds, Parallax system. .. How can I get rid of it ?
2/ On the 'A propos' page, an image (the one with the laptop) coming from the imported version of this page, but no way to find it ! (see attached image 2) . The same : how can I get rid of it ?
Attached files: Capture d’écran 2025-01-07 à 16.36.02.png
Capture d’écran 2025-01-07 à 16.40.09.png
1) Please use these settings:
2) https://pareto-coaching.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=2277&action=elementor
Attached files: Screenshot_2559.png
Thanks, Michael,
The 1st one is solved.
For the 2nd one, the image I want to suppress is the one on the attached image. It appears only on this page, so I guess it is not on the "post title " template, but on the page itself.
Could you tell me where ? :)
thanks !
Attached files: Capture d’écran 2025-01-08 à 13.42.32.png
I showed you which image you need to delete.
Yes, now I understand I used the title template with featured image, for all pages, whereas I didn't want any on this specific page.
Thanks a lot !
You're welcome!
Have a nice day!