hello i'm setting a blog but for some advanced users they hate visual composer but they want to use the gem elements for example they would like to post a styled box text but using the WYSIWYG Editor
and also while they are writing putting a raw html but without using the visual composer. just with shortcodes in wordpress editor example:
hello i'm setting a blog but for some advanced users they hate visual composer but they want to use the gem elements for example they would like to post a styled box text but using the WYSIWYG Editor
and also while they are writing putting a raw html but without using the visual composer. just with shortcodes in wordpress editor example:
or a styled quote http://codex-themes.com/thegem/elements/typography/ as here
help me i'm the designer and they are starting to say maybe that theme is not so advanced
in the past i have work with something like this image:
Sorry, I think it's not possible to work with gem without visual composer.
We have tons of settings in each shotrocode.
In any case if you need to put html in text block pls. use text mode (Attach)
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